April 27, 2014

Music and the Spoken Word

Growing up watching LDS General Conference we would play the game of "Find cousin Mike" My dad's cousin has served on the Mormon Tabernacle choir for the past 8 years! Today that came to a close has he retired from the beloved choir. 

Mickal, my dad, my mom and I drove down today to Salt Lake City to watch his last broadcast on Music and the Spoken Word and his retirement meeting afterwards. When we got there Temple Square was beautiful and peaceful on the sabbath day. I loved it, I could of sat there all day. Once we walked into the tabernacle my friend the amazing Katie Bastian was at the microphone practicing her solo for the later broadcast! What an amazing voice she has! She mad the whole tabernacle stop whatever they were doing to watch her share her amazing talent. After the rehearsal we waited for the actual broadcast.

In between the rehearsal and the actual broadcaast there was a about a 30 minute break. So Mickal decided he had to use the restroom. Since there was no restrooms in the tabernacle we had to go to the visitors center. We try to cut through the middle of the tabernacle but the ushers wouldn't let us, I was wondering why so I looked over their shoulder. Elder Christofferson from the Quorum of the 12 apostles was sitting with his family! 2 rows behind us! Seeing someone from the quorum is like seeing a celebrity in my eyes.

Anyways back to the bathroom, after we finished up we noticed the people were walking up the hallway to the amazing statue of Christ in the Visitors Center. So of course I had to go up there. When Mickal and I were celebrating our anniversary right when he got home from his mission we went to the statue and sat there and talked and stared and talked even more. Today, we did that again sat in the exact seat and stared more and talked more. Then when I was taking a picture a cute little girl came up and sat next on my lap and just stared at me. It was adorable.

Fast forward to the broadcast, so it started we were live and the spirit was so strong. The broadcast was going great, Katie's song was coming up and I was so excited to hear it again. She comes up to the microphone and starts singing again. About 3 minutes into her song my mom DUG her nails into my legs (those who know my mom know she has LONG nails) and she yelled "OH MY GOSH!" I said "What what what?" I look over, HERE COMES WALKING IN PRESIDENT MONSON. I WAS IN SHOCK!! My mom and I started tearing up, we have never been so close to the prophet we were 10 rows from him! Wow a experience I will never forget. I found myself staring at him more now instead of the choir. The spirit he brought into the tabernacle IS UNBELIEVEABLE!

After the broadcast his guards helped him out and we were sad like way sad. I didn't want him to go! But after the broadcast while they were setting up for the retirement meeting they were setting up some chairs that you could tell were for important people. Hoping in my mind it was Pres. Monson. Long story short, IT WAS! It went silent and he walked in again and it went silent and I myself starting crying! Happy tears! Tears showing my love for a man that means so much to me in my life.

After the meeting we took pictures and talked with family and congratulated my dad's cousin. Today was a day I will never forget! If you have never been to a broadcast to Music and the Spoken Word, GO it's amazing and there spirit is great!

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Loved experiencing this day with my husband :)

So my mom is gorgeous....it's kinda not fair!

Beautiful program

This statue is beautiful and just breathtaking!

Right after he walked in....EEEEEEK!

When Pres. Monson walked back in...yes I was crying while taking this.

Look at that smile! :)

Way to go cousin Mike! :)

The choir singing "God be with you till we meet again" to all the people retring members of the choir

Mike getting his picture taken with Pres. Monson :)

April 20, 2014

Happy Easter :)

I can't believe last Easter Mickal and I were engaged and planning our wedding and married life together! Now here we are, almost married for a year and loving life! Time flies when you're having so much fun!

Easter was simple at the McMurray's but wonderful! It started off right at church where it should start! :) we decided not to get Easter baskets for each other since we just bought pearl :) honestly I loved that decision it made us focus the real reason for Easter and not the candy and new clothes. Don't get me wrong that stuff is always fun and I love getting stuff for my hubby! But it was nice to focus on us and the gospel and the reason behind Easter! 

After church we cooked Oreos truffles together! My family loves my truffles so I thought it would be a great treat to share! Cooking with my husband is always fun! We need to do it more together!  

Easter dinner was spent at my parents with my siblings! Everyone who knows me knows I love family time! So the time I have with them is such a blessing :) spending time with my siblings, parents, niece and nephews was the perfect ending to our Easter :)   

Happy Easter everyone! 

Closing hymn in sacrament :)

These things are deadly! Mmmmm :)

On our way to the parents! 

Love my little sissy! :)

My ADORABLE nephew!

Again, Happy Easter :)

April 13, 2014

Our new addition :)

Well I'm happy to announce we got a new addition to our family! Meet... pearl!!! 

Isn't she gorgeous? :) I've never had a new car before! I've had the same little red Honda since I turned 16! Time for a upgrade! :) road trips here we come!!