May 29, 2014

Summer 2014 Checklist

So Friday at work my friend Christina and I decided to make a summer checklist. The reason behind it? To make this summer full of fun and lots of memories. So we each made a list of things we wanted to accomplish this summer! 

My goal is to accomplish as much as I can. Because why not? 

Here's my list....

Happy summer! :) 

May 27, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Adi and Aiden!

May 25, 2012, a day that will be in my memory for as long as I live. Two prescious babies were born into our family and changed our life forever. These two babies made me a aunt the best job that I could ever have. 

Adi-I love watching you grow, I love seeing you talk and play and be active with your family. I love seeing your personality come out. You bring me so much joy when I am with you! I love you more than words can describe.

Aiden-I only got to be with your physical body for a short time, but enough time to know my love for you. You brought so much life into me when I held you in my arms. I feel your presence always, I can't wait to hold you again and be with you again. You are so loved! I love being your aunt.

Happy 2nd birthday my sweet niece and angel newphew! Aunt Brittney loves you more than you'll ever know!

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May 17, 2014

My Best Friend's Wedding!

Every girl has that one best friend since you were young, you grew up together. Go through all the major events in your life together. Going to Jr. High, developing your first crush, experiencing your first break up, starting High School together, going to your first high school dance, graduating from high school, starting college, thinking about your future career, and meeting the one person that we both had been waiting for a long time. When that time comes when you decide to spend eterntiy with that person you plan your one special day when forever begins.

Ashlee has been that girl for me! She's been there for me since I can remember. A week ago today we celebrated her start of forever with her new husband TJ.

It was an amazing day! She looked absolutely gorgeous, the happiness on her face made her even more gorgeous! Her day was absolutely perfect! From the temple to the ring ceremony to the reception!

Ashlee and TJ I wish you the very best! Remember to always tell each other "I Love You" Marriage is such a great blessing, you will learn even more about each other than you could ever imagine!

Here are some pictures of Ashlee and TJ's amazing wedding day! Congratulations again you two! Love you!

I love the way the flowers look at the temple :)

House of the Lord :)

Bridesmaids just waiting for the bride :)

I love this picture! One to show their children for sure!

It started to rain and we decided hiding in a corner would be the best way to stay warm!

The beautiful Mrs. Egbert!

Her photographer said to "work it" I guess this is my work it face!

What are best friends for? :)

My best friend with me on my wedding day, and me with her on her wedding day! :)

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May 11, 2014

My Mother's Day Post

 Today is the day we celebrate the first person that surrendered their body for 9 months to bring us life, the first heartbeat we heard, the person that was there when we had bad dreams, the person who made sure we always looked our best, the one that made all boo boos go away and the person who never stopped loving you.  

My mother is one of best friends, we are so alike and like a lot of the same things! When we are together it's non stop chatting and laughing. My mother is the most amazing woman! She is a great wife, mother and now grandmother! :)

Mom, I just want you to know how much I look up to you and admire you. I hope I am half the mom you are when I bring little ones into this world. Heavenly Father knew you had to be my mother. I tell him how grateful I am for you in every individual prayer. I could blog for days on how much I love you but in the end no words can even describe how much I love you.

Have a great Mother's Day Mom! You deserve it! :)

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May 6, 2014

Girl's Night Out-Ashlee's Bachelorette Party!

This past weeekend I threw my very first bachelorette party/wedding shower. I was pretty excited how it turned out! But I am kicking myself for not taking many pictures. We started the night with the shower, we ate, opened presents and talked :) After the shower we went to our very first pole dancing class! Holy cow it was so fun! My friends and I decided we want to do this often! It's harder than it looks trust me! It wasn't provactive at all it was more of a workout! Here are pictures of the class! :)

We played a game where we had to climb the pole to get a dollar clipped on the pole, the bride to be won :)

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